It’s a Birthday Pawty!

Meet Gus.

Gus turned 12 a few weeks ago and his dad threw him a birthday party. There was cake and booze for the humans and a dog cake and lots of dog treats for the dogs.

Cake for the hoomins.

Cake for the doggos.

We lit the candles and everyone sang Happy Birthday while Gus howled along. I wish I had a video of it – it was hilarious!

Gus and his dad.

This is Gus and his best friend Zach. Zach comes over everyday to hang out with Gus while Zach’s dad goes to work. Aren’t they adorable in their pawty hats?

Zach and his dad.

Gus is such a sweet boy. He let Zach play with some (okay, all) of his new toys.

Family picture with the birthday boy.

A good time was had by all. The End.