Happy New Year

This website is my 2019 resolution. I told myself that I would get it up and running on January 1st. I even wrote whole post about how I got into photography, but it needs some major edits and to be perfectly honest, I’m not in the mood to edit today. I’m slightly hungover from yesterday’s celebration and I have to do adult things today, like grocery shop and laundry *insert thumbs down emoji here*.

I’ll be damned if I fail on my resolution less than 12 hours in the new year so you’re getting half a post so my resolution can live to see another 12 hours. Please bear with me as I try to create this site. I’m out of my depth here. I struggling with setting up pages, plugins, widgets, whats its, and whatnots. The last two might be made up. Maybe? I’m not really sure.

Anyway, Happy New Year! May your resolutions last until the end of January.