Weekly Wrap-up #9

I’m doing my best to get back on track, hence the two weekly wrap-up posts in a week. This wrap-up post is for the week of March 18-24.

I ran out of space on my memory card last week, which thew me for a loop. I haven’t figured out a decent workflow yet, which means that I don’t have a clue which pictures I’ve downloaded and I certainly haven’t figured out a good way to organize them either. All of that is to say, I missed a couple of days last week because I hesitant to delete anything to make room for more pictures. Live and learn.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019 (day 78/365): My sad sack lunch. I recently read an article about people who eat the same lunch everyday and thought that that sounded like a great idea. I used to get so stressed out trying to plan out a variety of lunches that I would often just end up going out for lunch instead. Now my grocery shopping is easier and my meal prep time is negligible. A big win in my book!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019 (day 79/365): My little shadow loves to get ready with me in the mornings. I must not have been wearing my glasses when I took this because it’s pretty blurry.

Thursday, March 21, 2019 (day 80/365): Rose drinks water from the faucet while I brush my teeth. This usually means that I have to finish brushing my teeth in the kitchen sink since she occupies the bathroom sink.

Saturday, March 23, 2019 (day 82/365): I had friends over on Saturday for dinner. I didn’t remember to take any pictures since I was cooking and playing hostess. I remembered only after I finished cleaning up the kitchen so I snapped a picture of the recipe for the chicken I made. Ina’s chicken recipes never disappoint!

I woke up on Sunday morning with a gnarly cold so I decided knock myself out with some cold meds and stay in bed.

If you have a workflow or organizational system that works for your photography, please share! I need to get myself organized.

Weekly Wrap-up #8

Time is flying by – I can’t figure out how I’m a week behind. These photos are from the week of March 11th.

Day 70/365: My bedroom is quite a bit smaller than my previous bedrooms so my old bedside tables don’t fit. Until I can find new tables, my kitchen chairs will have to do.

Day 71/365: The start button to my dryer. It was pretty exciting to do my first load of laundry, until I realized that it took about 2-1/2 hours to dry a load. I guess I need to get the dryer vent cleaned!

Day 72/365: I’m loving having a thermostat. I haven’t had one before. My choices were sweating it out or freezing. Now I can find my perfect temp!

Day 73/365: It’s always challenging to figure out what new traffic patterns will emerge when you move into a new home. Clearly I need an entryway table. I’ve been using a box for the past few weeks, but I’m sure there’s a more attractive option.

Day 74/365: I’m not the only one obsessed with the washer and dryer. Rose can’t stay away from it. She’ll sit in front of the closet and meow until I open the door and she can hop up on the washer.

Day 75/365: I finally got a coffee table for the living room and before I could style it, Rose made herself at home in the tray. I guess I’ll wait to set out my candles.

Day 76/365: Miss Curious always has to involve herself in whatever I’m doing. She’s checking out the clean clothes before I transfer them to the dryer. I guess I’ll wait to do that too.

Weekly Wrap Up #7

I’m back! I had to take a couple of weeks off to get packed and moved into the condo, but I’m more or less settled in and trying to get back into the groove of things.

Day 63/365: Jade plant and Apple TV. Pray for this plant. I’ve killed every plant I’ve ever owned.

Day 64/365: Lemon halves.

Day 65/365: Trying out a new color palette in the condo.

Day 66/365: I’ve had this poster since high school. The Phantom of the Opera has always been and will always be my favorite musical.

Day 67/365: Rose is a weird one. Right after she chewed on the bowl of fruit, I caught her hugging a bag of baby carrots.

Day 68/365: Another photo of Rose. It rained all day on Saturday so I was stuck indoors. I’m looking forward to warmer weather so I can get out and start exploring my new neighborhood with my camera.

Day 69/365: The birthday boy! We celebrated Randy’s birthday with a brunch and bunch of drag queens.