Weekly Wrap-up #9

I’m doing my best to get back on track, hence the two weekly wrap-up posts in a week. This wrap-up post is for the week of March 18-24.

I ran out of space on my memory card last week, which thew me for a loop. I haven’t figured out a decent workflow yet, which means that I don’t have a clue which pictures I’ve downloaded and I certainly haven’t figured out a good way to organize them either. All of that is to say, I missed a couple of days last week because I hesitant to delete anything to make room for more pictures. Live and learn.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019 (day 78/365): My sad sack lunch. I recently read an article about people who eat the same lunch everyday and thought that that sounded like a great idea. I used to get so stressed out trying to plan out a variety of lunches that I would often just end up going out for lunch instead. Now my grocery shopping is easier and my meal prep time is negligible. A big win in my book!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019 (day 79/365): My little shadow loves to get ready with me in the mornings. I must not have been wearing my glasses when I took this because it’s pretty blurry.

Thursday, March 21, 2019 (day 80/365): Rose drinks water from the faucet while I brush my teeth. This usually means that I have to finish brushing my teeth in the kitchen sink since she occupies the bathroom sink.

Saturday, March 23, 2019 (day 82/365): I had friends over on Saturday for dinner. I didn’t remember to take any pictures since I was cooking and playing hostess. I remembered only after I finished cleaning up the kitchen so I snapped a picture of the recipe for the chicken I made. Ina’s chicken recipes never disappoint!

I woke up on Sunday morning with a gnarly cold so I decided knock myself out with some cold meds and stay in bed.

If you have a workflow or organizational system that works for your photography, please share! I need to get myself organized.