Give Me the Wine and No One Gets Hurt

I went to the grocery store yesterday to pick up a few things for lunch. I was running low on bread and cashew butter and I’d been eating PB&J (well, CB&J) sandwiches all week. I’d also been having CB&J toast in the mornings. It’s one of my comfort foods and frankly, I think we all need some comfort food right now.

Imagine my surprise when I found out that there was no bread. I headed to the pasta aisle thinking if I couldn’t have my CB&J, I’d settle for my other favorite – mac & cheese. I wasn’t too excited because I was at Whole Foods and Whole Foods would NEVER carry my beloved Kraft Mac & Cheese. I’d have to get their organic, non-GMO, quinoa super special mac and cheese (blah, but beggars can’t be choosers). But there wasn’t any of that either. In fact, there was no pasta at all. The shelves were completely bare.

I started going up and down each aisle, curious to see what else the store was out of. It would have been easier to make a list of what was left.

I left the store a little annoyed, but not worried or panicked. I figured that I’d just make my own bread. Thank God I learned how to make it years ago when I went through that phase of not eating food with preservatives (I know, I kinda want to punch old me t00).

Tonight I went to the Jewel after work to pick up whole wheat flour and brown sugar so I could make bread this weekend. This time I was dismayed to find that there was no flour or sugar of any kind. NONE. Again, I went up and down the aisles out of morbid curiosity. The store didn’t have ANY basics – no eggs, milk, flour, yeast (YEAST! When was the last time a grocery store sold out of yeast?!), sugar, bread, dried beans, rice, pasta, pasta sauce, canned goods like veggies and beans, (although they did have a few cans of stewed tomatoes, which validates my opinion that stewed tomatoes are disgusting), butter, etc. There were no frozen pizzas, frozen vegetables, or TV dinners.

Since I couldn’t buy basic food, I bought ALLLLL the wine and the weird snacks that no one else wants. So really, I think I’m the winner here.

These aren’t half bad. They were the only thing left in the snack aisle.

Tell me how you’re handling the pandemic. Are there food shortages? Are you drinking wine for breakfast? Do you have toilet paper or have you resorted to using paper towels?


P.S. Randy bought a bidet because there’s no toilet paper in Chicago. I don’t know why, but this makes me laugh. I have a feeling he’s going to have the last laugh on this one though…..