Week 5

Week 5 at home wasn’t much better than the week before. I took a tumble down the stairs thanks to the face mask we’re supposed to be wearing when we’re out in public. The mask obstructs my vision when I look down so I missed a step. So now I have a new rule – no face masks on the stairs!

I spent about 36 hours hemming and hawing about whether or not I should try and see a doctor. I consulted WebMD, a couple of friends and the woman who delivered my groceries before I decided I needed the peace of mind that only seeing a doctor could bring.

I had to call a couple of urgent care facilities before I found one that would see me. I felt a bit apprehensive about calling a Lyft to take me to the urgent care facility. What if they thought I was sick and refused to take me? What if they were sick and got me sick? I’m not proud of it, but I admit to exaggerating my limp so they knew I was going to urgent care due to an injury and not because I have covid-19.

Upon arriving, I was surprised to see the waiting room empty. A woman greeted me from 6 feet away by asking me a battery of questions – do I have a cough? Have I been sneezing? Do I have a fever? Have I traveled in the last 14 days? Satisfied that I appeared to be safe enough, she proceeded to register me and informed me that I had to wear my face mask at all times.

I was then escorted to an exam room and told to keep my phone handy. They were going to call me and walk through my history, complaints and the “do you have covid-19” questions again before a human would come in to take my temperature and examine my ankle.

I had some x-rays taken and I’m happy to report that I didn’t break anything. The doc diagnosed a nasty sprain and sent me home in a brace. I’m currently rocking a pretty impressive cankle!

Stay safe and don’t wear your face mask on the stairs.
