Happy Easter!

I had such a good time making this photograph despite the fact that it did not turn out the way I had pictured it in my head (I’m learning that it rarely ever does – my imagination far exceeds my execution skills right now, and I’m perfectly fine with that.)

I hadn’t dyed Easter eggs since I was kid.  I don’t remember the colors being so saturated.  It’s likely that my memory has faded over time making the colors watery in my minds eye.  Or maybe I’m more patient as an adult, letting the eggs sit in their colored baths for the full five minutes.  Or maybe the dye is just better. What ever the reason, the Gladys and I marveled a the be beautiful saturated colors as I fished the eggs out of the water.  Well, I marveled at them.  Glady tried to lick them, which got her kicked off the kitchen table a few times.

That sneaky little paw just kills me.

My egg dyeing supervisor.  She doesn’t miss a thing!