Week 8

Last week was week 8 of working from home/quarantine. As the quarantine drags on and the weather in Chicago gets marginally better, it’s getting harder to social distance from people. More and more people are out and about. The sidewalks, while not exactly crowded, are definitely busier and there are more cars on the roads. I’m still walking in the alleys and trying to get my daily walks in in the early mornings and late evenings.

On the weekends, when I have the time to venture a little further from home, I’ve started exploring the cemeteries. It’s a lot easier to social distance there than on the city streets.

On Saturday I packed up my camera, a water bottle and some snacks and walked the 2 miles to Graceland Cemetery. The walk was much quicker than I expected and the cemetery was a lot smaller than I imagined. As it turns out, and unsurprisingly, I wasn’t where I thought I was. I had ended up at St. Bonfice Catholic Cemetery. Chicago has A LOT of cemeteries smack dab in the middle of the city!

Still, it was peaceful and I could walk around without my face mask on. I was really drawn to the trees in the cemetery. The tree in the photograph below is perfectly shaped – almost as if it had been created by painter.

1/640 sec at f/5.6, ISO 400

I liked the shape of the tree below as well, with it’s gnarly and twisted branches.

1/640 sec at f/9.0, ISO 400

I was disappointed to find that I over exposed both images when I downloaded them. I shoot in manual mode and it was a very bright day so I’m guessing I either couldn’t see the light meter or I misread it when I took these pictures. Either way, I clearly wasn’t abiding by the sunny 16 rule.

Anyone else find some interesting places to explore?
