Quick Clicks

While I’m trying to figure out the whole adapter/new computer situation, I thought I’d share a few photography related articles, blog posts, videos or anything else I found interesting throughout the week.

Hidden in Plain Sight: The Ghosts of Segregation.  This is a great piece from the New York Times.

If you have some time, this video was fun to watch (it’s 45ish mins long).  Three bros are critiquing black and white photos.  What they don’t know is some photos are by Ansel Adams and some are amateur snapshots.  At the end, they have to guess which photos are Ansel Adams’s and which aren’t.    I especially love the guy who thinks three of Ansel Adams’s photos were his own even though he didn’t remember taking them. 😂  And one of them asked an interesting question at the end…should anything else matter other than the finished image?

This photographer is quarantining with his mother and ex-wife and making a photographic diary about it. Yikes! The toilet paper photo really hits home for me.  There was a time this spring that I had to resort to paper towels until the shelves were stocked again.  How about you? Can you relate to any of the pictures?

This post lists a ton of tutorials available for pretty cheap.  I’m currently pursuing a Photography Certificate, but if I had the time I think I’d try the street photography tutorial, the landscape tutorial or any of the Lightroom tutorials.

Year-End Checklist for Photographers.